Islamic Art

Preț: 38,50 lei
Disponibilitate: stoc indisponibil
Anul publicării: 2009


The art that arose in the Islamic empiers beginning in the 7th century from Spain and Morocco to the borders of China. It bore the stamp of Arabs, Persians and Turks in particular, although outstanding also came from Egypt and India."Islamic Art" presents not only prominent examples of luxury ceramics, prayer mats, metalwork, decorative arts and calligraphy but above all the masterpieces of the splendidly colorful courtly book illumination of Persia and the
Mughal emperors of India. The book examines the contributions of the different countries and how they influenced each other and thus vividly illustrates the unfolding of the delicate splendor and fairytale beauty of Islamic art from its beginnings into the modern era.  

Carte in limba engleza cu ilustratii si poze color.
Autor: Annette Hagedorn
Editura: TASCHEN
Anul aparitiei: 2009
Pagini: 96


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