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Oxford Collocations Dictionary for Students of English with CD-ROM - For students of English - Format, Paperback

PRP: 156,00 lei
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Preț: 151,32 lei
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Disponibilitate: stoc indisponibil
Anul publicării: 2009
Categoria: Dictionaries
With this dictionary students learn the most important collocations they need to know. The dictionary also guides them to the right word combination for their context. The CD-ROM includes the complete dictionary and practice exercises. The word combinations are based on analysis of the Oxford English Corpus, a collection of three billion words of text from the English-speaking world that show the words that really do go together.
Oxford Collocations Dictionary for Students of English with CD-ROM (For students of English). Description: UPPER-INTERMEDIATE TO ADVANCED / B2 TO C2.
The dictionary that helps students write and speak natural-sounding English, now in a new edition with CD-ROM.
Which words usually go together? This dictionary shows you the common word combinations (collocations) that are essential for natural-sounding British and American English.
Completely revised and extended, the new edition has over 250, 000 collocations and over 75, 000 examples.
New for this edition:
* Based on the Oxford English Corpus, a 2-billion word corpus that provides authoritative information on the most typical collocations.
* Collocations only found in British or American English are clearly labelled.
* Examples, using British and American English, show how collocations work in context.
* Headwords printed in blue help you find the right word faster.
* CD-ROM with the complete dictionary, a searchable index that makes it easy to find the collocation you are looking for, and practice exercises.
* CD-ROM has pop-up definitions of every word included in the dictionary, with spoken pronunciation of British and American English.
* Based on the Oxford English Corpus, a 2-billion word corpus that provides authoritative information on the most typical collocations.
* Collocations only found in British or American English are clearly labelled.
* Examples, using British and American English, show how collocations work in context.
* Headwords printed in blue help you find the right word faster.
* CD-ROM with the complete dictionary, a searchable index that makes it easy to find the collocation you are looking for, and practice exercises.
* CD-ROM has pop-up definitions of every word included in the dictionary, with spoken pronunciation of British and American English.
Also included:
* Collocations grouped according to part of speech and meaning.
* Usage notes show collocations shared by sets of words such as languages and seasons.
* 16-page Study section.
* Collocations grouped according to part of speech and meaning.
* Usage notes show collocations shared by sets of words such as languages and seasons.
* 16-page Study section.
Format Mixed media product | 992 pages
Dimensions 157. 48 x 233. 68 x 38. 1mm | 1, 111. 3g
Publication date 05 May 2009
Publisher Oxford University Press
Publication City/Country Oxford, United Kingdom
Language English
Edition Revised
Edition statement 2nd Revised edition
Vezi și alte cărți: Oxford
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